Pain Points of Software Development

  1. Productivity
  2. Portability
  3. Interoperability
  4. Maintenance and Documentation

MDA Introduction

Model Driven Software Development (MDSD) is a style of software development that considers itself as an alternative to the traditional style of programming.

The approach centers itself on building models of a software system. These models are typically made manifest through diagrammatic design notations - the UML is one option.

The idea is that you use these diagrams, to specify your system to a modeling tool and then you generate code in a conventional programming language. bThe MDA process


A platform independent model describes the system, but does not show details of its use of its platform.

A PIM might consist of enterprise, information and computational ODP viewpoint specifications. (The structure of this information model might be quite different from the structure of an information viewpoint model in a computation independent model of the same system.)

A platform independent model will be suited for a particular architectural style, or several.

PIM Sample


A platform-specific model is a model of a software or business system that is linked to a specific technological platform (e.g. a specific programming language, operating system or database).

It should be possible to use a MTL to transform a Platform-independent model into a Platform-specific model.One PIM may have 1+ PSM.

PSM Sample


Profiles are a UML extension mechanism. A profile applies to a language specification, specifying a new modeling language by adding new kinds of language elements or restricting the language.

  • Stereotype
  • Constraint
  • Tagged value

How MDA Helps Us

  1. Productivity
  2. Portability mda_dsl1.jpg
  3. Interoperability
  4. Maintenance and Documentation

Maven Introduction

Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with:

  • Making the build process easy
  • Providing a uniform build system
  • Providing quality project information
  • Providing guidelines for best practices development
  • Allowing transparent migration to new features


Velocity is a simple yet powerful Java-based template engine that renders data from plain Java objects to text, xml, email, SQL, Post Script, HTML etc. The template syntax and rendering engine are both easy to understand and quick to learn and implement.


DROP TABLE ${table.getSchema()}.${table.getName()} @ CREATE TABLE ${table.getSchema()}.${table.getName()} (

#foreach($col in ${table.getColumns()}) , ${col.getColumnDef()} #end

) IN ${table.getSchema()}_DATA_01 INDEX IN ${table.getSchema()}_INDX_01 @




Core Features

AndroMDA currently comes with the following features:

  • Modular design: all major building blocks of AndroMDA are pluggable and can be exchanged to meet your needs
  • Support for major UML tools like MagicDraw, Poseidon, Enterprise Architect and more
  • Comes with the complete UML 1.4 metamodel (support for UML 2.0 is currently being developed) - alternatively, you can bring your own metamodel in MOF XMI and generate code from models based on it
  • Validates the input models using OCL constraints which are related to the metamodel classes. Comes with pre-configured constraints that protect you against the most common modeling mistakes - add your own project-specific constraints, too.
  • Model-to-model transformations help to raise abstraction level. Write your own transformations, currently in Java, or in any transformation language, e.g. the QVT-like Atlas Transformation Language (ATL), in the next major AndroMDA release.
  • Can generate any kind of text output using templates (source code, database scripts, web pages, O/R mapping configuration files, etc.) - you teach it, AndroMDA does it!
  • Templates are based on well-known template engines. Currently, Velocity and FreeMarker are supported
  • Ready-to-use cartridges for common enterprise architectures (EJB, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, JSF, Axis, jBPM)


Very much like Eclipse, AndroMDA features a plug-in architecture. AndroMDA itself basically is a transformation engine. To support arbitrary target architectures, you can plug-in custom transformations. These transformations are packaged as so-called cartridges.

AndroMDA comes with a host of ready-to-use cartridges such as:

  • Spring
  • EJB 2 / 3
  • Webservices
  • Hibernate
  • Struts
  • JSF
  • Java
  • XSD

When to use AndroMDA?

AndroMDA is a great choice when

  • You are starting a new project
  • You want to save time by generating as much code as possible
  • You are building an application that stores its data in a database

AndroMDA might not be the best choice if

  • Your application uses an existing database that cannot be easily mapped to an object model (for example, it does not use primary keys and object relationships are not clear)
  • You already have a mature application with existing business objects and the incremental effort to model existing components is too high to provide enough value

Create Project


C:\>mvn org.andromda.maven.plugins:andromdapp-maven-plugin:3.2:generate Please choose the type of application to generate [richclient, j2ee] j2ee Please enter the location in which your new application will be created (i.e. f:/java/development): C:/ Please enter your first and last name (i.e. Chad Brandon): Naresh Bhatia Which kind of modeling tool will you use? [uml1.4, uml2, emf-uml2]: Use the list below to enter the correct choice: ArgoUML: uml1.4 MagicDraw 9.x: uml1.4 MagicDraw 11.5: uml2 RSM 6: emf-uml2 uml1.4

Please enter the name of your J2EE project (i.e. Animal Quiz): TimeTracker

Please enter an id for your J2EE project (i.e. animalquiz): timetracker

Please enter a version for your project (i.e. 1.0-SNAPSHOT): 1.0-SNAPSHOT

Please enter the root package name for your J2EE project (i.e. org.andromda.samples.animalquiz): org.andromda.timetracker

Would you like an EAR or standalone WAR? [ear, war]: ear

Please enter the type of transactional/persistence cartridge to use [hibernate, ejb, ejb3, spring, none]: spring

Please enter the database backend for the persistence layer [hypersonic, mysql, oracle, db2, informix, mssql, pointbase, postgres, sybase, sabdb, progress, derby]: mysql

Will your project need workflow engine capabilities? (it uses jBPM and Hibernate3)? [yes, no]: no

Please enter the hibernate version number (enter '2' for 2.1.x or '3' for 3.0.x) [2, 3]: 3

Will your project have a web user interface? [yes, no]: yes

Would you like your web user interface to use JSF or Struts? [jsf, struts]: struts

Would you like to be able to expose your services as web services? [yes, no]: no #+END_SRC

Project Layout

<#+BEGIN_SRC > timetracker

f = Foo.send(:new)





Page Flow




DSL Introduction

The basic idea of a domain specific language (DSL) is a computer language that's targeted to a particular kind of problem, rather than a general purpose language that's aimed at any kind of software problem.

Domain specific languages have been talked about, and used for almost as long as computing has been done. DSLs are very common in computing. <#+BEGIN_SRC > graphviz LINQ ant rake Hibernate query language regular expression FIT SQL make struts-config.xml CSS rails validation JMock expectations


Internal and External DSLs.

  • Internal DSLs are particular ways of using a host language to give the host

language the feel of a particular language. This approach has recently been popularized by the Ruby community although it's had a long heritage in other languages - in particular Lisp. Although it's usually easier in low-ceremony languages like that, you can do effective internal DSLs in more mainstream languages like Java and C#.

  • External DSLs have their own custom syntax and you

write a full parser to process them. There is a very strong tradition of doing this in the Unix community. Many XML configurations have ended up as external DSLs, although XML's syntax is badly suited to this purpose. The most most common DSLs in the wild today are textual, but you can have graphical DSLs too. Graphical DSLs requires a tool along the lines of a Language Workbench. Language Workbenches are less common but many people think they have the potential to profoundly improve the way we do programming. DSLs can be implemented either by interpretation or code generation. Interpretation (reading in the DSL script and executing it at run time) is usually easiest, but code-generation is sometimes essential. Usually the generated code is itself a high level language, such as Java or C.

How DSL Helps Us

  1. Productivity
  2. Portability
  3. Interoperability
  4. Maintenance and Documentation


  • OOP

<#+BEGIN_SRC > java: int c = Math.abs(-166); ruby: c = -166.abs #+END_SRC

  • Code Block

<#+BEGIN_SRC > def callBlock yield yield end callBlock { puts "In the block" }

out: In the block In the block


<#+BEGIN_SRC > module BarModule def hello_world puts "Hello World" end end

class BaseClass def class_method puts "In class method" end end

class Foo < BaseClass include BarModule end #+END_SRC f = | f = Foo.send(:new) f.class_method | f.send(:class_method) f.hello_world | f.send(:hello_world) <#+BEGIN_SRC > String.send(:include, BarModule) s = "Arbitrary String" s.hello_world #+END_SRC

DSL in Ruby

class QuoteDSLBuilder

def self.load( dsl)

    proj = proj.instance_eval(, dsl)

def create_quote(lob, cntry)

def tab (name) end
def select_customer custNum  end
def add_parts(partNum) end
def change_quantity(partNum, quantity) end
def recalculate_quote end
end#class QuoteDSLBuilder

DSL in Ruby

create_quote 'PAUN','USA' do
  tab "Customers and partners" do
    select_customer '0007229725'
  tab "Parts and pricing" do
    add_parts 'D576HLL','BB0PWNA'
    change_quantity 'D576HLL', 10
    assert_parts_date 'D576HLL'


<#+BEGIN_SRC > work> rails depot work> cd depot depot> ls -p README components/ doc/ public/ tmp/ Rakefile config/ lib/ script/ vendor/ app/ db/ log/ test/ #+END_SRC

Create Model

<#+BEGIN_SRC > depot> ruby script/generate model Product create db/migrate/001_create_products.rb

class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :products do |t| t.column :title, :string t.column :description, :text t.column :image_url, :string end end def self.down drop_table :products end end #+END_SRC

Create Controller

depot> ruby script/generate controller admin
  create app/controllers/admin_controller.rb

class AdminController < ApplicationController
  scaffold :product

Web UI




The Advantages of MDA

  • The productivity increases because the programmers only have to model

the system and do a few customizations.

  • The PIM can be used for more platforms. If you decide to change from

platform that shouldn't be a problem (theoretically).

  • All the bridges between the different PSMs are automatically


  • If you only have some pieces of your application modeled you'll be

able to do prototyping. All you have to do is to push the "Generate code" button.

The Disadvantages of MDA

  • The MDA tools which are nowadays on the market aren't able to generate

100% code. So you'll always have to code after the generation process

  • If you want to use a relatively new technology, then you must keep in mind that the MDA tool is the developer

for you. So it takes some time before the producer has implemented a new technology into their MDA tool.

  • MDA need IDE support(version control etc...).
  • UML is not easy to read and cooperate.

The Advantages of DSL

  • Domain-specific languages allow solutions to be expressed in the

idiom and at the level of abstraction of the problem domain. Consequently, domain experts themselves can understand, validate, modify, and often even develop domain-specific language programs.

  • Self-documenting code.
  • Domain-specific languages enhance quality, productivity,

reliability, maintainability, portability and reusability.

  • Domain-specific languages allow validation at the domain

level. As long as the language constructs are safe any sentence written with them can be considered safe.

The Disadvantages of DSL

  • Cost of designing, implementing, and maintaining a domain-specific language.
  • Difficulty of balancing trade-offs between domain-specificity

and general-purpose programming language constructs.

  • Potential loss of processor efficiency compared with hand-coded


  • Hard or impossible to debug.

#title MDA vs DSL

#标题: MDA vs DSL


  1. 开发效率:希望软件能在最短时间里开发完成
  2. 可移植性:能够很容易的迁移到新的技术和平台上
  3. 维护和文档:希望软件易于维护,有最新的文档可以查阅

MDA 介绍

相对于传统的软件开发,模型驱动软件开发方式是一种新的软件开发方式。它关注与构建软件系统的模型,这些模型用图形的方式展示,最常用的是 UML.


PIM ( Platform independent model 平台无关模型)

PIM 只描述系统模型,不涉及系统使用的平台的细节信息。

PSM(Platform-specific model 平台相关模型)



Profiles 是UML的扩展机制。一个Profile对应一种编程约定。

  • 模板:Stereotype
  • 约束:Constraint
  • 标签:Tagged value


  1. 开发效率:帮助我们生成了大量代码,去除了无谓的拷贝粘贴,提高了效率,减少了出错机会。
  2. 可移植性:可以生成基于不同编程语言,操作系统和数据的代码,为移植带来了很大的便利
  3. 维护和文档:只有少数代码是手动编写,而且代码都是符合统一风格,易于维护。模型总是最新的,通过可视化的模型,开发人员能更方便的了 解系统。

Andromda 介绍



  1. Generic code generation engine 代码生成引擎
  2. Cartridges (Java, EJB, Hibernate, Spring, JSF, Struts, etc.) 插件
  3. Tools 辅助工具
  4. Maven project generator
  5. Schema2XMI


  • 持久层Persistence (EJB/Hibernate): 100%
  • 业务层Business (EJB): 30%
  • WebServices (Axis): 100%
  • 表现层Presentation (Struts): 80%


  • 生成项目: maven andromdapp:generate
  • 编辑模型
  • 编译: maven
  • 编写具体实现

何时使用 Andromda


  • 开始创建一个新项目
  • 希望能够尽量多的自动生成代码


  • 系统的数据结构不能很好的映射到对象。例如,没有主键和对象间的关系
  • 你已经拥有一个成熟的系统,为这个系统建模的工作量太大,且不能带来足够的好处




C:\>mvn org.andromda.maven.plugins:andromdapp-maven-plugin:3.2:generate Please choose the type of application to generate [richclient, j2ee] j2ee Please enter the location in which your new application will be created (i.e. f:/java/development): C:/ Please enter your first and last name (i.e. Chad Brandon): Naresh Bhatia Which kind of modeling tool will you use? [uml1.4, uml2, emf-uml2]: Use the list below to enter the correct choice: ArgoUML: uml1.4 MagicDraw 9.x: uml1.4 MagicDraw 11.5: uml2 RSM 6: emf-uml2 uml1.4

Please enter the name of your J2EE project (i.e. Animal Quiz): TimeTracker

Please enter an id for your J2EE project (i.e. animalquiz): timetracker

Please enter a version for your project (i.e. 1.0-SNAPSHOT): 1.0-SNAPSHOT

Please enter the root package name for your J2EE project (i.e. org.andromda.samples.animalquiz): org.andromda.timetracker

Would you like an EAR or standalone WAR? [ear, war]: ear

Please enter the type of transactional/persistence cartridge to use [hibernate, ejb, ejb3, spring, none]: spring

Please enter the database backend for the persistence layer [hypersonic, mysql, oracle, db2, informix, mssql, pointbase, postgres, sybase, sabdb, progress, derby]: mysql

Will your project need workflow engine capabilities? (it uses jBPM and Hibernate3)? [yes, no]: no

Please enter the hibernate version number (enter '2' for 2.1.x or '3' for 3.0.x) [2, 3]: 3

Will your project have a web user interface? [yes, no]: yes

Would you like your web user interface to use JSF or Struts? [jsf, struts]: struts

Would you like to be able to expose your services as web services? [yes, no]: no #+END_SRC


<#+BEGIN_SRC > timetracker

f = Foo.send(:new)










DSL 介绍

DSL (Domain Specific Language)是一种针对特殊问题的编程语言,不是那种可以编写各种应用,解决多种问题的通用编程语言。


<#+BEGIN_SRC > graphviz LINQ ant rake Hibernate query language regular expression FIT SQL make struts-config.xml CSS rails validation JMock expectations


Internal and External DSLs.

  • Internal DSLs: 是对编程语言的一种特殊用法。在ruby语言里特别流行。但是,在Lisp, Java和C#中同样可以实现 internal DSLs.
  • External DSLs: 其拥有特殊的语法,需要一个程序去分析和处理它。很多XML配置文件就是 external DSLs. 现在使用的最多的是文本格式的 DSLs,但是,我们同样可以有图形化的DSLs. 有两种方式实现DSLs:解析方式(读入DLS脚本,然后动态执行);代码生成方式。


  1. 开发效率:可以让我们编写更少的代码实现更多的功能。帮助我们生成了大量代码,去除了无谓的拷贝粘贴,提高了效率,减少了出错机会。
  2. 可移植性:具有一定的平台移植性。
  3. 维护和文档:代码更易阅读,代码本身就是最好的文档。

Ruby 介绍

  • OOP

<#+BEGIN_SRC > java: int c = Math.abs(-166); ruby: c = -166.abs #+END_SRC

  • Code Block

<#+BEGIN_SRC > def callBlock yield yield end callBlock { puts "In the block" }

out: In the block In the block


<#+BEGIN_SRC > module BarModule def hello_world puts "Hello World" end end

class BaseClass def class_method puts "In class method" end end

class Foo < BaseClass include BarModule end #+END_SRC f = | f = Foo.send(:new) f.class_method | f.send(:class_method) f.hello_world | f.send(:hello_world) <#+BEGIN_SRC > String.send(:include, BarModule) s = "Arbitrary String" s.hello_world #+END_SRC

DSL in Ruby

class QuoteDSLBuilder

def self.load( dsl)

    proj = proj.instance_eval(, dsl)

def create_quote(lob, cntry)

def tab (name) end
def select_customer custNum  end
def add_parts(partNum) end
def change_quantity(partNum, quantity) end
def recalculate_quote end
end#class QuoteDSLBuilder
create_quote 'PAUN','USA' do
  tab "Customers and partners" do
    select_customer '0007229725'
  tab "Parts and pricing" do
    add_parts 'D576HLL','BB0PWNA'
    change_quantity 'D576HLL', 10
    assert_parts_date 'D576HLL'


<#+BEGIN_SRC > work> rails depot work> cd depot depot> ls -p README components/ doc/ public/ tmp/ Rakefile config/ lib/ script/ vendor/ app/ db/ log/ test/ #+END_SRC

  • Create Model

    <#+BEGIN_SRC > depot> ruby script/generate model Product create db/migrate/001_create_products.rb

    class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :products do |t| t.column :title, :string t.column :description, :text t.column :image_url, :string end end def self.down drop_table :products end end #+END_SRC

  • Create Controller
    depot> ruby script/generate controller admin
      create app/controllers/admin_controller.rb
    class AdminController < ApplicationController
      scaffold :product



  • 因为只需要建模和少量的定制就可以开发出应用系统,生产效率提高了
  • 理论上,很容易迁移到其他平台
  • 易于做原型,点一下“生产代码”按钮就可以了


  • 现在市场上的MDA工具还不能生成100%的代码,所以你必须在代码生成后手动修改代码
  • 如果你要使用最新技术,你要么自己实现插件,要么等到别人实现
  • MDA需要工具支持
  • UML 不是易读和协作


  • DSL可以对问题做更高的抽象,一次业务专家可以理解,验证甚至自己编写DSL
  • 代码就是注释
  • DSL提高的代码质量,开发效率,可维护性和可重用性


  • 设计,实现和维护DSL需要一定的工作
  • 不好权衡何时使用DSL,何时使用同样编程语言
  • 执行效率可能会打折
  • 很难或根本无法debug


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