


Bin Ju (鞠斌)

Tel: 0574-26935120 Notes ID: Bin BJ Ju/China/IBM Mail: Address: 3/F, Building 9, 999 Yangfan Road, Ningbo 315100, China

RTCp和RDp的最佳应用实践? 是否在团队中应用敏捷开发? RTC中定义的timeline是否与项目管理有关联? 在开发实践中,是如何进行任务分配?由谁来确定工作项的工作量预估值?在RTC里是否有辅助的方法来确定预估值?对一个新员工,如何进行估算? 通过RTC,如何对实际工作量的填报进行控制? 应用RTC的开发团队,日工作流程如何? 除了RTC的dashboard,能否能够根据你们的使用实践,提供一个具体RTCp的应用方案? 如果构建工作项的协作和依赖关系?如何关注和跟踪他们? 如何通过RTC来保证项目的开发进度? 能够通过RTC来记录非项目开发的日常管理业务? 能否通过RTC来呈现员工的日工作量报告? 在IBM项目组内,开发和和非开发的占比是多少? IBM是如何实现跨部门和跨地域的沟通与协作的,如何跟踪这些跨领域的问题? 是否能提供IBM最佳的系统联调方案? RQM是如何实现需求的细化? 在宁波银行采用RDp和RTCp进行日常开发,能否提供一套人员配比方案?比如系统配置人员:开发人员:等等 能否通过RTC来进行有效的项目管理,能否提供最佳实现方案?

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Agile Project Star


"Agile Project Star" activity initiated by CDL Agile Community is to understand CDL agile team's maturity , recognize high performance agile team , share experience from successful teams and projects, facilitate communication among CDL agile teams.


Choose 1-2 Agile Project Stars every quarter.

The 1st activity is planned to start from 3Q 2010: August : call for participation/nomination and accept submissions September: review the submission and choose the project star

Process, review criteria and review board

(1) Invite Agile experts from BJ/SH/TP to form Review Board (2) Review Board evaluate and rate teams and projects from BJ/SH/TP, the review criteria includes: Whether the team/project is following the agile principles The maturity of Agile team Whether the team generates measurable result Whether the team solved the difficulties in Agile development such as distributed team


Option 1: Only certification with sponsor's signature to the winner Option 2: Gift (100-200 RMB), Harry's department will pay for gifts

Follow-up actions (whether/how to share with others, etc) Invite the winner to share experience within CDL Agile Community will take follow up actions such as reusable asset harvest,or best practices collections

CDL Agile Community

1.How do you size (in terms of timing) and prioritize requirements for each iteration? 2.Do you conduct scrum meetings (i.e., a 15-minute stand-up meeting every day to determine the progress of each team member)? 3.If you have a distributed team, how do you involve remote team members in the scrum meetings (i.e., do they dial in to a conference call)? 4.Do you conduct unit testing with pairing for every build? 5.Are unit tests manual or automated? If they are automated, what tool is used? 6.How do you determine if you are on track during iterations? 7.Would your team benefit from education in certain areas of Agile? Would the team be open to additional education?

Meeting minutes 2010-07-02

  1. Refine the criteria. -- Junyue, Guan Fang, Will
  2. Need to check with senior Manager to create a certificate for the star project. -- Andy
  3. Seek some experts in Shanghai and Taiwan. ---Guan Fang
  4. Interview the star project candidates one by one. -- Experts (including Andy)


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